Director FCT Department of Mass Eduction

Hajia Hajara Titilayo Alayande

The FCT Department of Mass Education, hitherto referred to FCT Agency for Mass Education was established by the FCT Regulation No.1 of 1991. This regulation was an offshoot of Degree 17 of 1990 that set up the National Commission for Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-formal Education. The decree directed all states in the Federation and the FCT to establish Agencies for Mass Education............



FCT Department of Mass Education (DME) was established with the following aims and objectives.......



To reach out to illiterate adults, out-of-school youths, women, and the girl-child, nomads, as well as ......



To have a Federal Capital Territory free of illiterates through providing non-formal education .........

Target Group


The VEIs are expected to be credible alternative form of education that will cater for the interest of.....